Book Tag: The A to Z Survey

AtoZsurvey-1017x1024Author you’ve read the most books from:
Probably definitely L. M. Montgomery.
Lucy Maud is my favorite. I can’t even help it.

Best sequel ever:
Ooh, this is tough. Little Men maybe. By Lousia May Alcott.
Cause I liked it better than the first book and better than the third. haha

Currently reading: 
Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain.
It’s hard, you guys. It’s hardly more than 200 pages and I’ve been reading it for weeks. The “Classics” slay me.

Drink of choice while reading:
Tea. Iced or hot. 🙂

E-reader or physical book?
Definitely physical. But it’s nice to have the option of e-reading–especially when you need a book in a hurry!

Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in high school:
Ha. What a question. So many. Is that bad?
Teddy from the Emily of New Moon series. Eric from the Adventures of the Northwoods series. Possibly even Percy from the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series. Oh, Jonas from The Giver series. Maybe even Thomas from the first book and a half of The Maze Runner series, and Minho from all of it. Ha.
I’m sure there are so many more. oy.

Glad you gave this book a chance:
Robinson Crusoe.
Only because now I can say I read it.
Absolutely hated it. But read it.

Hidden gem book:
Definitely the Emily of New Moon series by L. M. Montgomery (see? i’m obsessed).
Really though. Her most famous books are the Anne of Green Gables series. But I found her real writing genius. So extremely great. So.

Important moment in your reading life:
I don’t even know. I feel like every book brings on a new wonder and a whole new world and so many new friends. I can’t choose one moment better than others.

Just finished:
The Spy Who Came for Christmas.
You can read my thoughts on it in my last post.

Kinds of books you won’t read:
I struggle with all out romance. Jane Austen and all that. It’s a struggle.
But I  definitely positively won’t read horror books. I struggle enough with mysteries. 😉

Longest book you’ve read:
I can tell you what FELT the longest. A Tale of Two Cities.
Took me 9 stinken months to get through that one. #classics

Major book hangover because of:
Definitely Hunger Games. I read all three of those books in two days that I stayed home from work cause I was sick (i really truly was sick). I finished the  last book and I truly had difficulty getting a grasp on real life. It was actually scaring my roommate. haha

Number of bookcases you own:
Two. Sad, I know.

One book you have read multiple times:
Rilla of Ingleside. Also by L. M. Montgomery (obsession? yes.).
One of my childhood all time favorites.

Preferred place to read:
Outside. For sure.

Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read: 
“There is such a place as fairyland – but only children can find the way to it. And they do not know that it is fairyland until they have grown so old that they forget the way. One bitter day, when they seek it and cannot find it, they realize what they have lost; and that is the tragedy of life. On that day the gates of Eden are shut behind them and the age of gold is over. Henceforth they must dwell in the common light of common day. Only a few, who remain children at heart, can ever find that fair, lost path again; and blessed are they above mortals. They, and only they, can bring us tidings from that dear country where we once sojourned and from which we must evermore be exiles. The world calls them its singers and poets and artists and story-tellers; but they are just people who have never forgotten the way to fairyland.” -L. M. Montgomery (but of course) (see how she writes though? you guys.)

Reading regret:
The Girl in the Blue Beret by Bobbie Ann Mason.
Worst book in the world of books. Hated the story, hated the characters. Truly bad.

Series you started and need to finish (all books are out in series):
The Ender’s Game series. I haven’t even finished the first one, but I really want to!

Three of your all-time favorite books: 
Oy. Why do you do this to me?
The Giver. Gathering Blue. Messenger. Son. by Lois Lowry.
Pay no attention to the fact that there are 4 books there. 😉

Unapologetic fangirl for: 
Hunger Games. Don’t care. They’re great.

Very excited for this release more than all the others:
The last book in The Maze Runner series.
I am waiting SO HARD for this book. Come out come out come out come out come out.

Worst bookish habit:
Dog-earing the pages instead  of using a bookmark. I hate that I do it. But I do it anyway.

X marks the spot: start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
I’ll have to update this when I’m home. (of course I’m not doing this at work. pshaw.)

Your latest book purchase:
The last few books of The Maze Runner series.

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
The Death Cure by James Dashner (last GOOD book of The Maze Runner series.

A Book Set During Christmas

The Spy Who Came For Christmas

I did it! I got out of the vacuum that is Young Adult Dystopian Fiction!
Don’t worry though. I’ll get sucked in again fairly soon, I’m sure. 😉

Continuing on ever so slowly in the PopSugar Reading Challenge, I’ve crossed off my 6th book. A Book Set During Christmas. I’m technically 2 books behind, if I wanted to read 52 books a week. So I’ll need to catch up on this soon.

The Spy Who Came For Christmas was kind of weird to wrap my head around for a few reasons.
1. I have only just came out of the Young Adult Dystopian Fiction Fog. And it’s hard to get your bearings on the outside world, ya know?
2. It’s set during Christmas (obvs). And that’s just hard to picture when it’s 60 degrees outside.
3. It’s a mystery of sorts. And it’s been a long while since I read one of those. Not normally my cup of tea either.

But all that said. The book was good. I’m not sure I’ve ever read a book set in Santa Fe. So that was cool. This book is in a Switching P.O.V. format (not sure if there’s an actual name for that), which I always find interesting.

It was short. It was sweet. Had just enough suspense for interest. Didn’t delve that deeply into character creation, but it was a short book after all. It was a nice heads up and breath of fresh air after reading the same type of books since Hunger Games.

I think from here I’m gunna look into some Classics that have been on my To Read list for a while!

Top Ten Tuesday – My First Ever!

Top Ten Tuesday: All Time Favorite Books From the Past 3 Years

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don’t have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It’s a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

This is my first ever Top Ten Tuesday. And it’s daunting, let me tell you. Choose 10 books? You want me to choose? And from the past 3 years? *deep breath*

Here goes nothin’.
In no particular order.

Son_by_Lois_Lowry1. Son – Lois Lowry
One of my favorite authors of all time. Writer of my favorite book of all time, The Giver. I was so excited when I heard Son was being written a few years back. It was the perfect book to tie up all the loose ends of the Giver Trilogy. So glad it was written. Great read.

story girl2. The Story Girl – L. M. Montgomery
Another one of my favorite authors of all time. Actually, she IS my favorite author of all time. This book is kind of abnormal, as there isn’t really a point to it. It just follows the ins and outs of a group of children’s every day lives. But it’s cute. And innocent. And I love her writing style so much.

chosen3. The Chosen – Chaim Potok
This book was so interesting. A friend of mine (I’m awful and can’t remember who) recommended it, saying it was their favorite book. And how interesting it is. It’s about two teenage Jewish boys growing up in Brooklyn in the 1940s. Being raised two very different ways. It gave me a glimpse into a world I didn’t really know existed. I love when that happens.

potato peel pie4. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
I really really enjoyed this book. The whole layout of it was interesting and great. It’s written through letters, which usually I dislike, but it really worked for this one! It takes place during the German occupation of the island of Guernsey in the 40s. I liked it for its characters, I liked it for the history aspect, I liked it for its interesting writing style. Superb book every way you look at it.

Hunger_games5. The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins
I didn’t realize it was a fad til after I read it. But fads aren’t always bad. I greatly enjoyed this book. Read it in a few hours, didn’t put it down. Read the other 2 in the trilogy in the following few hours. That happens sometimes. 🙂

princessbride-jpg6. The Princess Bride – William Goldman
Who knew the book would be so great? To me, the movie was meh. Okay at it’s finest moments. But this book is awesome. And hilarious. And I loved the authors personal antidotes throughout the whole thing. It made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion.

pimpernel7. The Scarlet Pimpernel – Baroness Orczy
I read this in my sweep of the Classics. This was one of the few that I actually liked. The writing style was decent enough to capture my attention and make it interesting for me. I already basically knew the storyline, but that didn’t make reading this any less enjoyable.

The_Maze_Runner_cover8. The Maze Runner – James Dashner
Another fad that I read before I knew it was a fad. (I don’t get out much, apparently.) I liked this one best out of The Maze Runner series. It was the most riveting and exciting for me. And I liked the characters in this one best. Nothing like the movie, in case you’re curious. But then again, are they ever?

BadBeginning9. The Bad Beginning – Lemony Snicket
This book is on this list mostly because it was the first to open the door to Lemony Snicket. What a fascinating character and author. These books are a little odd–dealing with people trying to murder children and all–but they really are great to read. Hashtag: Dat writing style doh.

jane10. Jane of Lantern Hill – L. M. Montgomery
Another from Lucy Maud. I read all of her works a few years ago, so you’re lucky only two made this list. I was trying to diversify. 😉 Her writing style is just the best. The best. Read everything she’s ever written. You won’t regret it. I promise.

A Book With Magic

Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus

The End always sneaks up on you when you’re reading a book on a kindle/tablet/iphone. It’s the worst. Especially when it’s the last book of a series. Especially when it’s the last book of two related series’. The WORST.

This was a great series. It’s basically one series separated into two. Which is great, because you get to spend more time than usual with the characters.

I appreciated the diversity in this book. I liked what it taught me about human character and life situations. I learned some things about myself in this book and what my first reaction is towards certain people. I learned that I don’t always have the best first reaction towards people and that I need to change that. Currently, I’m learning that I put commas in weird places when I type and then have to go back and delete them.

I think Leo was definitely my favorite character in this book. Thomas got annoying after a while, maybe because he was in every book and was the focus of so many books and I just got bored with him and his heroics. But I do still like him. I don’t normally tend towards liking female characters, so it’s a no-brainer that they weren’t my favorite. (Even though the females in this series are pretty boss.) I also liked Nico. Is that weird? Possibly. But I learned the most from Nico. And felt for him.

But Leo. How can one not like Leo? He’s insane. And crazy. And foolish. And hilarious. And adorable.

Frank I never liked. I know they tried with that whole getting buff thing. But I still wasn’t feeling it.

And Jason. Jason was almost a replica of Thomas. Both cool people. But that’s that.

So yes. Definitely Leo. And I’m really glad I read these books. Plus, you learn a lot about Ancient Greece and Rome. Who doesn’t like that?

A Book You Started But Never Finished

The Heroes of Olympus: The House of Hades

I should have posted this earlier, as I finished it about 2 weeks ago. But I procrastinated and now don’t really remember enough details to write about it. #laziness

However, I had started this series some time last year after reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Great books, great characters. And I feel like I learned a lot about Greek and Roman mythology in the meantime, which was cool.
Well… I found it cool anyway. #hometeached

Anyways, I didn’t stop reading this book because I didn’t like it. It was actually cause at the time in which I was reading it, there were so many other good books I wanted to read. And I made the fatal mistake of reading more than one at a time.

I can’t do that.

I get distracted by different stories and plot lines and can’t easily switch from one to another. So I ended up stopping midstream with House of Hades and never got back to it.

But I have now. And I’m quite glad I did. I discovered some interesting things through this series and of course reading House of Hades got me back on track to read the final book in the Heroes of Olympus series, which I will post about next.

A Book Set in the Future

The Maze Runner Series: The Kill Order

I finished this book last night, and if I had written this post during my lunch today, like I had planned, I would have said it was horrible and not worth your time to read.

There were totally different characters and they didn’t answer a single question or tell me anything I didn’t already know.

However, I have since learned that Dashner is writing a Book Five to the series. One that is supposedly going to connect the Maze Runner books as we know them to The Kill Order.

With that in mind, I don’t abhor The Kill Order. I do still, however, think it’s a pretty boring read and not very useful to the overall plot.

I will discuss no spoilers as the book contained none.

A Book You Can Finish In A Day

The Maze Runner Series: The Death Cure

I cheated here again. I’ll get better at this, I promise. But I read this book and then tried to fit it into a category on the Reading Challenge list. Thankfully, I read this book in one sitting. So I can confidently say this is A Book I Can Finish In A Day. =D

This one, man. This was only the 3rd in the 4 book series. But this is the book that I had to say goodbye. There’s no part of any book I hate more than the Acknowledgements. The Acknowledgements are at the end. And a good amount of the time they sneak up on you. They give you no chance to prepare. What the heck, man.

I miss these characters. I know that’s sad and silly, but it’s true. And no, the book didn’t end the way I wanted it to. But that happens in books. That’s the risk you have to take.

I gotta say though, a book hasn’t ended the way I wanted it to in a while. Hopefully that will happen over the course of this Reading Challenge. And hey, if it doesn’t. It’s ok. Books are books. And that always makes them great. Unless you’re A Tale of Two Cities. Not great.

But anyway.
I’m not mad he doesn’t end up with Teresa. I’m really not. I’m mad that he likes Brenda at all. Also.
Newt. Newt, Newt, Newt. I couldn’t even take a moment to mourn your death because I didn’t want to miss you. I’m sorry for that, man. You were one of my faves. For sure.
Minho. You’re hilarious. And an idiot. And I love you. And I wish I had a friend like you.
Teresa. I think the author hated you and delivered you up to a horrible fate with no forgiveness and no time to waste on your squashed self. You deserved better than that.

Why WAS Brenda so handsy with Thomas? Were Thomas and Chuck related in any way? What was the deal with Paige and Brenda? I still don’t get the signs of Thomas being the leader in the city in the Scorch. Why tell Minho he’s the leader at all?
Riddle me that, The Kill Order.

A Book With a Love Triangle

The Maze Runner Series: The Scorch Trials

It’s so great to be reading again. So great and so awful and so emotional.

I have to be totally honest here though. I read this book because a few days before 2015 hit us, I had read The Maze Runner. And so I searched for a category on the reading challenge list that this book would fall into. I’m not sure it totally counts as a book with a love triangle. But it’s close enough for jazz.

I have to be totally honest with you yet again. I’ve read a book since I read this one. And started on another. And they’re all part of The Maze Runner Series. So I can’t really separate the individual books in my mind.


This book made me mad cause I don’t like Brenda. I think she’s way too handsy with a guy she doesn’t know. Also. I know Teresa tried to kill him. But it’s kinda like the whole
Gale accidentally killing Primrose thing.

They were just doing what they had to do to keep you alive. And to make things work in the end. Forgive and forget, that’s what I say.

Anyways. I can’t really go into depth about this one, because I’ve read so much stuff. And I apologize for that. I liked the first one better. But. The spoiler above is why.

PopSugar Reading Challenge

I have decided to do a reading challenge this year.
I’m usually really good with keeping up with my reading; but being married, working full time, and raising an adorable child tend to keep me busy. And I’ve been slacking in the reading department.

I was having trouble deciding between the PopSugar challenge and the #readharder challenge. But I ended up choosing the former, mostly just because it’s longer.

And this blog will catalogue my journey throughout the challenge. I will share with you my books. And by that, I will share with you my life.

If you would also like to begin this reading challenge journey alongside me, you can print out this nifty checklist. Or, check out these other challenges, cause they all look super cool!